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Writing and Composition 

Elise Marra is a writer/composer that has penned two novels, five plays, six full length musicals, and two screenplays. Elise has had two of plays produced and five of her musicals performed. Elise's musical, Frankie!, received a cast concept album starring Tony Nominee Caitlin Kinnunen which was released and put up for Grammy consideration by Broadway Records. Elise also had her screenplay, 'Cult Following', produced with a release date in the summer of 2023. 

Elise's second musical Frankie! received a 29 hour reading in August of 2019, starring Autumn Hurlbert and Jason Sweettooth Williams both featured in this rehearsal montage

Hippie and the Hitman is Elise's fourth musical and follows a love story in Ireland during the troubles in the 1960s. Hippie and the Hitman was present in concert in December of 2020 in Kansas City. 

In 2021 Elise released her debut EP, and recorded two music videos to support the release which Elise shoot and edited. 

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